How busy is Cozumel Airport?

Cozumel, a beautiful island in the Caribbean Sea off the eastern coast of Mexico's Yucatán Peninsula, is a favorite destination for both domestic and international tourists. Central to the island's tourism industry is the Cozumel International Airport, the gateway for most visitors. Understanding the airport's busyness is crucial for travel planning and for the island's tourism industry.

Recent Statistics of Cozumel Airport Traffic

Traffic at Cozumel International Airport has shown a significant increase since the pandemic. In June 2021, compared to the same month in 2019, the airport had a 17.9% increase in passenger traffic. This trend indicates that the difference will be even greater in July. However, this increase is primarily due to international flights, as domestic traffic fell by almost 50%.​

Factors Influencing Cozumel Airport Traffic

Cozumel airport traffic is influenced by several factors, including seasonal variations and special events. For instance, the airport tends to get busier during the high season, which stretches from late December to April​ and less busy during the low season, which runs from May through October ​Moreover, certain events and holidays, like Christmas, New Year's Eve, and spring break, tend to attract more tourists, thereby increasing airport traffic​.

In terms of the number of tourists, data from Airports of the Southeast (Asur) shows that Cozumel International Airport saw a 17.9% increase in passenger traffic in June 2021 compared to the same month in 2019, prior to the pandemic. This was despite a nearly 50% decrease in domestic passenger traffic. The number of international passengers, however, increased significantly. In June 2019, Cozumel had 18,770 domestic passengers, while in 2021, this number fell to 10,204. On the other hand, from 26,475 international passengers in June 2019, Cozumel grew to 43,133, or 62.9%.

For the best time to visit Cozumel, it largely depends on what you're looking for. The high season, which typically stretches from late December to April, is when the area is busiest. This is due to the favorable weather and the holiday season. The low season runs from May through October, coinciding with Mexico's main rainy season. This period sees fewer tourists and therefore offers cheaper airfare and hotel rates. The shoulder season, which includes the months of April, May, November, and December, offers milder weather conditions and reasonable rates. If you're looking to avoid crowds, September and October are recommended.

How Busy is Cozumel Airport During High Season?

High Season Explained

High season in Cozumel typically stretches from late December to April, a period that coincides with the global sunbelt's peak season, particularly in Mexico. During this time, Cozumel's pristine white sands often see flocks of tourists ranging from families enjoying the winter break, party-goers for Cancun’s infamous Spring Break events, and travelers looking to escape the cold winter weather from cooler areas of the world. The increased tourism during the high season often leads to a spike in airfares, hotel rates, and costs at all-inclusive resorts, especially around Christmas, New Year’s Eve, and Spring Break.

Traffic Statistics During High Season

In terms of airport traffic during high season, data from the Cozumel International Airport showed an increase in passenger traffic in June compared to the same month in 2019, prior to the pandemic, with the trend indicating that the difference in July would be even greater. Despite domestic passenger traffic to the island falling by almost 50%, international flights saw a significant increase. The number of international passengers in June 2019 was 26,475, which grew to 43,133 in 2021, or a 62.9% increase. When both types of tourism are added together, Cozumel mobilized 53,337 passengers in June, which was 17.9% more than the 45,245 passengers that visited the island in June 2019.

How Busy is Cozumel Airport During Low Season?

Low Season Explained

Cozumel’s low season typically runs from May through October, which coincides with Mexico’s primary rainy season. During this time, the weather tends to be hot and humid with frequent downpours and unpredictable weather conditions. Despite the less-than-ideal weather, the low season can offer some advantages, including lower airfares and hotel rates, less crowded beaches, and better hospitality due to fewer tourists visiting the area. The low season is often considered the best time to visit Cozumel for budget travelers.

Traffic Statistics During Low Season

Data from the ASUR (Airports of the Southeast) shows a decrease in the number of passengers at Cozumel International Airport during the low season. For example, in May 2023, the airport saw a decrease of 15.0% in passenger traffic compared to the same period in the previous year. However, by October, the passenger traffic increased by 8.0% compared to the same period in the previous year, indicating the start of the high season.

Best Times to Visit Cozumel Considering Airport Busyness

Shoulder Season and Its Benefits

The shoulder season, defined as the period between high and low seasons, is often considered the best time to visit Cozumel. These months include April, May, November, and December. During these times, visitors can experience mild weather conditions, fewer crowds, and reasonable rates. Traveling during the shoulder season can provide a balance between the busy high season and the rainy low season, offering a more comfortable and enjoyable travel experience.

Tips for Avoiding Crowds

If you're looking to avoid crowds, consider visiting Cozumel during the shoulder months or low season. The months of December, January, and February are excellent for enjoying comfortable temperatures without worrying about hurricanes or heavy rain. The months between May# How Busy is Cozumel Airport During High Season?

High Season Explained

In Cozumel, high season typically spans from late December to April, coinciding with a surge in tourism across the world's sunbelt. This peak season is particularly popular due to a range of factors. The holiday period, including Christmas and New Year, triggers an influx of tourists, while people living in cooler regions often seek to escape the cold winter weather. A notable increase in airfares, hotel rates, and resort costs accompany the rise in tourism during this period.

Traffic Statistics During High Season

A surge in passenger traffic during high season is evident at Cozumel International Airport. For instance, in June 2021, a traditionally busy period, the airport mobilized 53,337 passengers, marking a 17.9% increase compared to the same month in 2019, pre-pandemic. While domestic passenger traffic fell by almost 50%, international flights saw a significant increase. This shift is illustrated by a decrease from 18,770 domestic passengers in June 2019 to 10,204 in 2021, contrasting with an increase from 26,475 international passengers in June 2019 to 43,133 in 2021, an uptick of 62.9%.

Impact of Airport Busyness on the Cozumel Tourism Industry

Cozumel, a beautiful island in the Mexican Caribbean, relies heavily on tourism as a major part of its economy. With the Cozumel International Airport acting as a gateway for many visitors, the busyness of the airport directly impacts the island's tourism industry.

Role of the Airport in the Island's Economy

The Cozumel International Airport plays a crucial role in the island's economy, serving as the main point of entry for tourists. The level of passenger traffic coming through the airport is a significant indicator of the economic health of the island's tourism sector. A high level of airport traffic often translates to an influx of tourists, which in turn supports local businesses such as hotels, restaurants, and tour companies.

In 2021, for example, Cozumel International Airport saw a 17.9% increase in passenger traffic in June compared to the same month in 2019, prior to the pandemic. This trend indicated that the number of tourists visiting the island was rebounding, bringing much-needed revenue to the local economy

How Airport Traffic Affects Local Businesses

The impact of airport traffic on local businesses cannot be overstated. A rise in airport traffic often means more tourists, leading to increased revenue for businesses in the tourism sector. On the other hand, a decrease in airport traffic can have a significant adverse effect on these businesses.

With the influx of international flights increasing significantly and records of tourist influx being set, local businesses have been kept afloat, particularly those reliant on overnight tourism. This increase in tourism also stimulates other sectors of the island's economy, from food and beverage to transportation and retail. 

How Cozumel is Managing Increased Airport Traffic

With the increase in airport traffic, Cozumel has had to take steps to manage this growth effectively.

Expansion Plans and Infrastructure Development

While I do not have the most recent data on airport expansion plans or infrastructure development beyond my training cut-off in September 2021, it's reasonable to assume that an increase in airport traffic would necessitate such measures to accommodate the growing number of visitors.


The Cozumel International Airport plays a vital role in the island's economy, with its level of busyness directly impacting the local tourism industry. While increased airport traffic can bring economic benefits, it also presents challenges, especially in the context of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.


Cozumel Island Transfers Services cover the following areas


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